Color and Sound
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A Great Circle is a plane that passes through the center of the earth. (e.g. Equator and all Meridians). The shortest distance between any two points on the earth’s surface is attained along the arc of a Great Circle. Small Circles are lines that do not pass through the center of the earth. All Parallels other than the Equator are Small Circles.
Are you in need of solutions for your website needs? I am a Front End Web Developer with a wealth of experience and a passion for delivering websites and applications that help organizations and individuals meet their goals. I find excitement in utilizing the new directions and technologies the web has to offer, has to offer while keeping in mind the practical needs of my clients in order to take the most pragmatic approach. The nature of the web guarantees that there will be something new every day and I am always up for the challenge.
We’d been so very quiet as… hiding in our bunkers, calibrating the equipment, running tests, calculating co-ordinates and escape routes… emerging, wrapped in space blankets, our core modules synced with red-shift calculations to guard against malfunction as we approach the event horizon. It was time to run the experiments again…
HexBank (BinHex and Robin Banks) and I jamming at an island getaway, with me on the synths while they dug deep into space… wasn’t planned. all the gear was set up already, and I just couldn’t help muscling in. magic resulted.
November 14, 1993, San Francisco. I was incredibly fortunate to see NASA’s See the Light Tour with Aphex Twin, Orbital, Vapourspace, Young American Primative, Moby, Djs Jonah (spacetime continuum), Dj Tim (Utah Saints, Jeno and Dj Alex… This was just as techno was starting to break across North America, with this being the first proper […]
A collection of flyers and photos from way back when some friends and I ran an ambient music collective. We’d throw ambient events in disused movie theaters, friends lofts, a place known as “the underwear farm” and others, always with a focus on listening rather than dancing, though a lot of that happened as well. […]
A small collection of photos from trips up north and abroad
Pictures taken while wandering around the docks of Prince Rupert back in 2010. The warfs were full of derelict fishing boats, testimony to what was once a vibrant fishing town.
While working away in Regina, in the deep freeze of the Saskatchewan urban prairie, I’ve employed a number of strategies to keep myself entertained. One of which being the discovery of this great webcasting site/app called Mixlr. I’d been booked to play The Art of Beatz show on Vancouver’s Co-Op Radio, earlier in the summer, […]
Have a listen to some ambient tracks I’ve been working on over the years… Mostly done with a hodge-podge of cobbled together gear… cheap craigslist finds, little droids by people like bleeplabs.com, monotrons, mopho’s, a simmons sds8 controlled by a 707 and the formidable Wavetek 135 LIN LOG Sweep Generator, amongst other things… Listen here, […]
In 2012, I worked with multi-media artist Leena Minifie to produce this 8 channel video touchscreen installation. Built with html5 and javascript, 8 videos “slices” are displayed in a circle surrounded by a north-west coast native formline design by Tsimshian artist Morgan Green. Video artists were asked to create a short video that represented home […]
We started with Avril 14th, which is actually Mum’s birthday… funny that. And of course, he’s never heard any of it, and pretty much nails it the first time through. We had a few lumps in our throats… He thought it a “simple little melody… quite cute.”
Recorded during the heatwave of August, 2010… It was super damn hot, at least for Vancouver. I spent the next summer in New Mexico, and the one after that in Montreal, which led me to the conclusion that we’re kinda wimps over here… Tracklisting Keynell 1 by Gescom Memorandrum by Voice Stealer Errorlove by Smash […]
I was spending a lot of time driving between Vancouver and Santa Fe NM for a while there… seemed to always be on the road. This was a reflection of that… Tracklisting O’Locco (Sei A Remix) by Sun Electric Two Dots (Reverse Engineered) by Lusine It Never Changes To Stop by The Books Paridse Circus […]
Tracklisting Starlight (Echospace Dub) by Model 500 Kite by Wndfrm I Can Take It by The Parrish Love Or Go (KiNK Remix) by Nina Kraviz Getting Me Down by Blawan Wildfire (Objekt Dub Mix) by Sbtrkt Over and Out (Original Mix) by Marc Romboy & KiNK U-29 by Untold Love And The Machine by Robag […]