Color and Sound
Pick a Color: Or Enter Frequency in Hz (e.g. 440):
Pick a Color: Or Enter Frequency in Hz (e.g. 440):
A collection of flyers and photos from way back when some friends and I ran an ambient music collective. We’d throw ambient events in disused movie theaters, friends lofts, a place known as “the underwear farm” and others, always with a focus on listening rather than dancing, though a lot of that happened as well. […]
A small collection of photos from trips up north and abroad
Pictures taken while wandering around the docks of Prince Rupert back in 2010. The warfs were full of derelict fishing boats, testimony to what was once a vibrant fishing town.
In 2012, I worked with multi-media artist Leena Minifie to produce this 8 channel video touchscreen installation. Built with html5 and javascript, 8 videos “slices” are displayed in a circle surrounded by a north-west coast native formline design by Tsimshian artist Morgan Green. Video artists were asked to create a short video that represented home […]